GENESIS: The Asylum
so few, so proud, so emotional
we're surrounded, and we're hounded
theres no 'above' or 'under' or 'around' it
for 'above' is blind belief
and 'under' is sword to sleeve
and 'around' is scientific miracle
lets pick 'above' and see


The New World government that was established after The Fall. It was created to build society back up, taking advantage of the emptiness left behind. This government believes that in order to prevent destruction, you need to control individuality. Pressuring citizens to conform to their new laws by any means is their top priority. They built walls in order to keep any unwanted individuals out, any “bad eggs” in a sense. All cities under the System’s eye are sheltered from the outside. Those inside have little to no clue about what is actually going on, believing the lies and propaganda The System feeds them through fake media and news stories. The government does not want to alarm its people feeling that they could lose control if chaos spreads again.


The System and its people are run under the watchful eyes of the UCOS (the united co-operative syndicate). This faceless leadership is made up of a group of individuals that are connected to the Old World in some way. Each of them are assigned a representative that will present and carry through their ideas with the public.


All news outlets and television stations are controlled by The System. The internet is censored, and all content is controlled, anything that could cause hysteria is removed and replaced swiftly and quickly. News is all fabricated, often scripted to favor the government. They make sure to keep a balance with everything that goes out, feeding people propaganda without instilling fear. Residents are rabid consumers, blinded by the illusion of excessive choice. Corporations are System controlled as well, so all products are propaganda.

Militarized police is common and could be found in sectors that house important buildings. They have a strict shoot to kill system, any sort of abnormal behavior is taken very seriously. This is due to the fact that The System sees any sort of enemy of the government as inhuman, and everyone should play their part in eradicating said enemies.


UCOS BLOODHOUNDS C.A.R.E Asimov Foundation