In the beginning. . .

After a global nuclear war, the rich and powerful scrambled to create their own “perfect” government. They were quick to make a system that benefited them and left lower classes to fend for themselves. This new government named itself The System.

Adopting totalitarian ideas, they strived to control everything their people did. Their lives, their thoughts, their actions. They were always watching, influencing and censoring ideas, all for their perfect society.

Several groups have tried and failed to rise up against this corrupt government, The System and its army taking them down swiftly. Those who were shunned out of those large sparkling cities had begun to lose hope. That is, until word about a new group began to spread through the wastelands.

At first, no one wanted to get their hopes up, used to gaining hope only for the group to die off after a few days, but that definitely wasn't the case for them, The Asylum.

Becoming popular in the underground world, The Asylum is slowly growing larger as time passes. More and more lost souls have been drawn in by its ideas. Firmly believing in second chances, The Asylum offers sanctuary for whoever might need it, becoming the savior of the people.