Cities built to protect and shelter from the remenants of the old
world. Large walls surround built cities, separating them into
sectors. ALL borders are monitored, and sectors closest to the
heart of the cities are heavily protected. [ Identification, face
scan, ] Any wanted individuals are to be flagged by the system and
immediately eradicated.
Due to the effects of The Fall, the climate has changed. To ensure
perfect weather, specialized drones are used to create a dome
around a city. This dome creates fake weather cycles. All drones
are controlled and manufactured by Asimov.
It is to be noted that The System is in the process of creating
more protected cities. Some cities will be under watch of The
System but are unfinished, in the sense that the process of
rebuilding is slower. Unfinished cities will have missing weather
drones and minimal security, still, some walls are put up in an
attempt to keep things out. These cities are usually much more
packed and stray away from the general aesthetic of finished
This city has aesthetics such as
cyberprep and flat design.